From feeling stuck in your life & career to living soulfully aligned with your purpose!

From feeling stuck in your life & career to living soulfully aligned with your purpose!

reconnect. reimagine. realign.

I know you have a deep inner knowing that YOU ARE MEANT FOR MORE.

Internally, you feel so much bigger than your current reality reflects.

You crave a life and career that feels like a true expression of yourself.

Where you feel connected to your purpose and can unleash your true potential.


I know you have a deep inner knowing that YOU ARE

Internally, you feel so much bigger than your current reality reflects.

You crave a life and career that feels like a true expression of yourself.

Where you feel connected to your purpose and can unleash your true potential.



You struggle to turn your inner knowing into clarity & action.


You struggle to turn your inner knowing
 into clarity & action.

And so you’re STUCK

STUCK in a soulless job

…draining all of your life force.

STUCK in choice paralysis

…unable to make a decision.

STUCK in perfectionism

…afraid of failing expectations.

STUCK in people-pleasing

…afraid to be the real you.

STUCK in imposter syndrome

…feeling not good enough.

Look, I get it.

I’ve been there, too.


7 years ago, I had a breakdown.

I worked as an analyst in market research, feeling so disconnected from my soul’s purpose that I started to numb myself with gambling and food.

Soon after, my life started to crumble. I was in debt, burned out, and utterly lost. 

But at my lowest point, I started to see things clearly.

I began to see how the suffering I experienced in my life came as a direct result of me not living my truth. Of hiding from the world and not following my heart.

This began a journey back to myself and my purpose. 

I started to train as a coach and meditation teacher, and ultimately left my 9-5 to align with my my higher calling: helping others become their true self, so they can unleash their full creative potential and help make the world a more meaningful and connected place.

I know your soul is aching.

You’re so damn tired of not living up to your potential.

Because you know there is a bigger, more powerful version of you waiting to be unleashed and leave a mark on the world.

I’m here to help you with that.

Let’s turn your confusion and overthinking into clarity and action.


BORN FOR THIS is a virtual 1-on-1 coaching program designed to give you the clarity, confidence, and tools needed to create the soul-fulling life & career you’re meant to live.


BORN FOR THIS is for you if you see yourself in one of the below:

…you feel stuck in a soulless job and crave a fulfilling (career) change, but don’t really know what you want yet.

…you feel called to start your own purpose-driven business or creative project (e.g. an account on social media), but self-doubt, overthinking, and fear (of being seen) keep you stuck.

…you feel lost without any clear goals in your life, and seek guidance as you try to create a more fulfilling and aligned path forward.


BORN FOR THIS will help you…


Recenter Yourself

Let go of anxiety inducing self-judgment and learn how to manage your stress, while building nourishing habits that connect you to your life force and inspiration.


Understand Your Soul's Purpose

Get clear on your big Why that gives meaning and direction to your life, so that you can lead with purpose and engage in work that lights up your soul.


Get Clear On What You Really Want

Develop a deep understanding of your unique skills, gifts, & talents so you can identify what you’re really meant to be doing in your life & career.


Overcome Fear & Self-Doubt

Shush the gremlins in your head that have you stuck in analysis paralysis, perfectionism & imposter syndrome, so you can finally create the life you desire.


Take Consistent Action

No longer get stuck in your own head – I help you break down your vision & goals into simple and easy action steps that you feel motivated to execute.


If You're an Aspiring Entrepreneur: Set Up Your Purpose-Driven Biz

Get clear on how to monetize your soul’s calling and start selling your services.

Personal 1:1 Support
– for 3 months –

Get all this


We kick-off with a deep dive into your life/career to identify clear goals and success factors for our journey.

7 x 1-on-1 CALLS

(75 min. each)
These calls are a safe space for you to dream big and shift your confusion & doubt into clarity and action.


Exchange DMs and voice notes with me in between our sessions to process new insights and implement your actions.


Get access to a library of curated exercises and visualizations to help you live in alignment with your purpose.



For the first time in five years, I find myself in a state of calm and stability, no longer desperately searching for a new career. Christian’s genuine care and support made the coaching sessions a sanctuary for self-discovery during a time when I felt profoundly lost. Working with him has instilled in me a newfound courage and self-confidence. I’ve not only identified my talents and potential but also feel empowered to showcase them. I wholeheartedly recommend Christian to anyone seeking a transformative journey toward self-discovery and personal growth.


It has been a true gift working with Christian! Before working with him, I kept doubting myself and the direction of my business. I finally feel clear now about who I feel called to work with, what my offer is, and how I can run my business in a profitable way that allows me to thrive while making a real impact in the world.


Before working with Christian, I was feeling very lost and dissatisfied with the direction of my career. Within just two and a half months, I was not only able to shape a new and inspiring goal but also take practical steps towards that goal. I absolutely recommend Christian to anyone who wants to live and work more purposefully!


Christian is an exceptional coach. He balances active listening, insightful wisdom, and strategy, gently nudging you in the right direction while empowering you to take the lead. His approach motivated me to do the necessary inner and outer work, keeping me accountable and removing barriers that were holding me back. In less than 3 months, I gained the confidence to face my fears, embrace messy action, and launch my long-term dream of becoming a mindset coach and content creator. I highly recommend working with Christian!


I came into coaching with Christian very chaotic and disorganized. Christian has a great sense of calm about him that balanced my chaos and challenged me to slow down, which ultimately was exactly what I needed to find clarity. Through my time with Christian I learned to appreciate the joys of my current reality, while creating goals to work toward. Christian is a skilled listener, a kind soul, and has great wisdom.




…and you no longer wake up in the morning feeling lost and stuck.

You have a clear sense of direction in your life and finally feel at peace because you know you’re walking YOUR true path.

Instead of getting stuck in overthinking and analysis paralysis, you take confident action toward the life & career you want.

All because you decided to no longer ignore your inner knowing that you are meant for more.

So…ready to create the life you were born for?


Let’s discuss if BORN FOR THIS is the right program for you!



Welche Ausbildung / Qualifikationen besitzt Du?

Qualifikationen & Ausbildungen:

  • Certified Life Coach (Institute for Applied Psychology,  Germany, 2021)
  • Certified Business Coach (Mindvalley, 2022)
  • Certified Meditation Teacher (Meditation School Karsten Spaderna, Germany, 2020)
  • Master’s in Environmental Governance (First Class Honors, Manchester University, 2014)
  • Bachelor’s in Social Science (cum laude, Maastricht University, 2012)

+6 years of work experience as a research manager in market research and the sustainability sector.

However, my most important and extensive training has always come from life itself. Whether it’s been getting to the other side of career confusion, overcoming addiction, or learning self-love during my coming out process – these and other experiences have taught me invaluable lessons that shape me as a coach and help me to create transformation in my clients’ lives.

What's your vision and mission?

My vision is for each of us to be so deeply connected to ourselves that we realize our inherent connection with each other, and thus begin to transcend the illusion of separation that is at the root of all suffering and destruction today.

My mission is to foster this connection by helping people create a career and life that reflects their authentic self and allows them to use their unique gifts in service to humanity and the planet.

I've never worked with a coach...what is coaching exactly?

Coaching is a professional form of development that helps you maximize your full potential and reach your desired goals. As a coach, I help you get clear about what you want, identify what is holding you back, and empower you to move in the direction of where you want to go.

As a coach, I fully believe that we all carry within ourselves the answers to our questions. That’s why I honor each of my clients as a unique, creative, and extraordinary human in charge of moving their own life forward.

As a certified life, business, and meditation coach, I work with you in a grounded and holistic way, using a wide range of tools and modalities (incl. from positive psychology, systems theory, and neuroscience) to help you create sustainable and transformational results.

I'm intrigued, but not sure if it's the right program for me

If you are interested in working together but are unsure if BORN FOR THIS is the right program for you, then simply DM me or book a clarity call, so we can discuss what you need and if we are a good fit to work together!


Just DM me on TikTok or send me an email!




Download this 7-minute visualization to connect to the part of yourself that knows your purpose and what next step to take to unleash your full potential!

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